
About me

My name is Jan Labut, but on the internet I am known as kllency_ . Who am I? Just a mechatronic who is trying to learn something about design and looking for the right place for me. I love movies, games, anime and music from it. Everything I like gives me inspiration and I am doing my best to show what I am capable of.


Here you can find my links that references my work from school, my past or present personal work.

Bruh Shoe

Communication Design and Illustration - Instagram post
Shoe Adverts

Design of this shoe was made during Communication Design and Illustration course. I made this design in virtual reality using VR headset and 3d program. I do not have inspiration in something while I was creating it, I just made it how I felt. After it I made an Instagram post about it using Illustrator and my own design to decorate it and create background.


Personal project - Story idea

This picture represents my own imaginary story, that I am creating in my free time. It is about a guy from a long time ago that disided to make his way throw magic forest, the forest where all the spirits lives in. And all of it we can see in the picture. This is one of my first sketches how could it looks, but I am still working on it. For now it is the best sketch I have and I wanted to show this type of my work in my website too.

kllency_ ™ website is © Jan Labut, 2023